Review of “Simple Knitting Patterns Designed for Handspun Angora Yarn”
I can crochet a little, but I have yet to learn how to knit. That is on my ever-lengthening bucket list, and so what really got my attention about this new book by Candy Haenzel, was “SIMPLE” in the title!
The patterns may be simple, but the garments shown in the book’s photos are beautiful. The twelve patterns include two for baby booties, five scarves, three hats, a pony tail holder, and leg/arm warmers. There are also instructions for two of Candy’s favorite scarf stitches.
I appreciate the exceptionally readable font, and the use of white space that enhances readability.
To learn more about Candy and her contributions to America’s Angora rabbit fancy, visit her site: http://candy.angorarabbit.com/ She also sells a book she wrote about rabbit color genetics, and you will find the details about it on her website.
The books are $12.50 + $3.50 shipping. To order by PayPal, click the button: