I am running for District 4 Director of the National Angora Rabbit Breeders Club. Elections for this office and District 2 Director will be held in the spring …
Category: Lil’s Blog
My activities with my Moirai Rabbitry.
Taking stock, refining, then moving forward
We’ve had some cold weather here in northeastern Kansas, although nothing like that some of you who live further north have had to deal with this fall! I have been taking advantage of warmer weather we have had over the past couple of days to get some more work done outdoors. Today, I put up […]
Show news, new Facebook group
A 2nd RIS in show win, and a fun new Facebook group for breeders of show rabbits. Have you heard of these breeds: \”Hot-gora,\” \”Love Bunny,\” \”Nebraska Brown,\” and \”Dreadlock Woolies (Rastaman Woolies)\” …
Followup on the effect of the PETA Chinese Angora Rabbit video
When the notorious PETA video was released last year, some of us were skeptical about it, and were concerned that the bad publicity may have harmed those Chinese Angora farmers who are ethical …
New article about English Angora body type
I finally got around to this article I have been wanting to do, about English Angora rabbit body type. When I sheared Missy …
Pregnancy toxemia in does
I lost a doe to pregnancy toxemia for the first time, a few weeks ago. My beautiful \”Arctic Tracks,\” a multiple Best of Breed winner, had to be euthanized after it became clear that she was not going to survive. It isn\’t unusual for a pregnant English Angora to have a brief period where they eat a bit less, in the 2-3 week period after breeding. I was not concerned the first day. But by the second day, I knew something was amiss …
Moving towards Convention
I sheared and bred what may be my best doe. I\’ve got this young tort doe that I took to the shows last spring. Younger and smaller than the others, she usually placed last …
Why I decided I won’t offer rabbits for sale
I have not advertised rabbits for sale, because offering rabbits for sale is not why I am in this hobby of breeding and showing rabbits. I returned to the hobby in 2012 after a ten year break. During that time, I’ve received several inquiries about rabbits for sale …
Let's paws for chat about claws and colors
Betty Chu has written a new blog post about the only rabbit color that is temperature sensitive. Ricardo Gonzalez has also addressed the issue on his blog. Clue: it isn\’t tortoiseshell …
Tortoiseshell is not temperature sensitive
I have learned that there is an ARBA judge who goes around telling English Angora breeders that tortoiseshell is a temperature sensitive color like pointed white. Tortoiseshell is NOT a temperature sensitive color …