Angora Rabbitry Resources

If you would like to have your webpage or other resource listed here, please send me an email at It is a shame, but few breeders maintain webpages and blogs the way they used to, when the www was new and exciting to us. At the very least, set up a Facebook page for your rabbitry. Do not use a personal profile as a rabbitry page, because Facebook will delete those for violating its terms of service. “Facebook Pages,” as opposed to personal profiles, are pretty much like regular website pages, as far as Google is concerned.

It is also unfortunate that so few rabbit clubs have  websites, and many of those that do exist have not been  updated for a long time.  I think that at minimum, clubs should have Facebook brand pages, and update them quarterly.

Angora Rabbit Clubs

National Angora Rabbit Breeders Club
NARBC is the official Angora Rabbit parent club of the American Rabbit Breeders Association.

Appalachian Angora Rabbit Club
AARC, an ARBA sanctioned club, promotes Angora rabbits & supports & educates their owners, exhibitors & fiber enthusiasts.

Southern Angora Rabbit Club
A club for Angora rabbit fans. One of the most active and exciting of the regional clubs.

Mid America Angora Club
The Mid America Angora Club primarily serves the Angora Rabbit breeders of Illinois, Kansas, and Missouri. We do accept memberships from Angora fanciers who live in other states, too. We are an ARBA chartered club, and hold several Angora Rabbit specialty shows throughout the year.

Northern California Angora Guild
NCAG is one of the oldest Angora Rabbit specialty clubs. Betty Chu maintains this blog and updates it frequently. This is an example of how to do it well. 

Northwest Angora Rabbit Association
NW Angora Rabbit Association is dedicated to all angora rabbit breeds, and all angora lovers , whether a breeder, show person, fiber producer, loved family pet, or all of the above! NW Angora Rabbit Association strives to provide educational opportunities, shows, fun days, and fellowship amongst all angora fanciers.

United Angora Rabbit Club
A club that is run by its members, for its members, for the promotion of Angoras through shared information, shows, meetings, and instruction in a creative and positive atmosphere. ARBA chartered, NARBC sanctioned.


All Breed Rabbit Clubs

American Rabbit Breeders Association
The ARBA is an organization dedicated to the promotion, development and improvement of the domestic rabbit. ARBA maintains the Standard Of Perfection, and a registry.


Breeders: English Angora Rabbits

Betty Chu’s English Angoras
Betty Chu’s name is synonymous with Angora Rabbits. After her very informative website lapsed, she permitted me to retrieve it out of, to share it here.
The Kelfla Project
Kelly Flading’s site and blog about her English Angora rabbits in Texas.

Candy’s English Angora Rabbits
Candy Haenszel is regarded as an authority on rabbit genetics, and blue-eyed-white English Angoras. You can get information about her genetics, and knitting books there. Lots of information about Angora fiber and spinning and knitting.

Class Act Angoras
Take a look at the “Angora Class” on this site. Very nicely done tutorials.

English Angora Resource
This website was the first on the internet about Angora Rabbits, back in the 1990s. I retrieved it from from to share here.

The KelFla Project
Kelly Flading’s Angora rabbits, fiber projects, and urban homesteading.


Breeders: French Angora Rabbits

CB’s French Angora Bunnies
Colleen Boyd shares her knowledge and her experience with the French Angora breed.

French Angora Rabbits, Tucson Arizona
Direct Link to Sales page of French Angora Rabbits

Woolie Creations – Kim Gay of Georgia
Kim Gay has been breeding and caring for French Angora Rabbits for a long time. Visit her site for some excellent advice.


Breeders: Giant Angora Rabbits

Love Your Buns Angora at mountainspun Farm
Giant Angora for show wool and companionship, usually we have REW & Blacks,sometimes other colors. breeding only friendly rabbits who exceed ARBA std of perfection;wool removal demo, pedigree incl. VT


General Rabbit Care

Fun Fur Rabbitry: Deworming Your Rabbit
This Fuzzy Lop rabbit site has useful advice about treating rabbits for fur mites, worms, and coccidia.

Raising Rabbits. Complete rabbit raising information and breeder support.
Raising Rabbits, the Site with detailed information and how-to instructions.


Facebook Pages and Groups Facebook Page
This site’s Facebook page. 

Angora Rabbit Show Breeders – Facebook group
This group is for Angora Rabbit breeders who breed and show their rabbits, who use the ARBA Standard of Perfection as their ideal.


Twitter Accounts About Angora Rabbits Twitter Account
Follow on Twitter.


Fiber Arts Information

Fiber Fiber Fiber: Resources and Information
If you like to knit, spin, crochet, felt needle felt, raise fiber animals or grow fiber plants or any other type of fiber arts this site is for you.



Completely Angora, The Second Edition

Simple Knitting Patterns for Angora Handspun Yarn, by Candy Haenzsel

Color Genetics, by Candy Haenzsel

National Angora Rabbit Breeders Club Guidebook (old edition)

Northern California Angora Guild: Angora Handbook

When you join the National Angora Rabbit Breeders Club, your membership entitles you to purchase a copy of the latest edition of the Guidebook.