English Angora rabbit bred by Margaret Bartold and Linda Cassella, an ARBA convention Group winner.
Does: 5 – 7 1/2 lbs
Bucks: 5 – 7 lbs
Compact body type. The rabbit should resemble a round ball of fluff when posed. There is wool on the head and paws, and tassels or fringe on the ears. The coat is characterized by having little guard hair in proportion to its wool, has a silky texture, and wraps rather tightly when spun, with relatively minimal fluffing. White and Colored. It usually has a sweet, gentle nature. It is not recommended for persons who don’t enjoy grooming their animals, because its coat is labor intensive to maintain.
It is popular with children because of its cuteness, but is not recommended for a child who does not have a parent who is willing and able to monitor their child’s care of the rabbit, as the wool coats can become overwhelming for a child to keep clean and groomed. It is a popular Angora breed for show, with intense competition at the national level.
The English Angora rabbits in show coats really are amazingly beautiful. We recommend rabbits from one of the non-molting, contemporary show lines. Their coats are much easier to maintain because they mat much less than the old molting lines. They consequently also produce more fiber for spinning, because there is less fiber in the coat lost to matting and shedding. Some hand spinners have a preference for plucked fiber (which requires a rabbit that molts) instead of sheared fiber, but there is actually no difference in the handling properties of sheared vs plucked.
The absolute minimum cage size should be 24 inches by 24 inches by 18 inches high. However, the recommended cage size for a single rabbit is 24 inches wide by 30 inches long by 18 inches high. An optimum cage size might be 24 inches wide by 36 inches long by 18 inches high. (Always, the larger the cage, the better for the rabbit.)
An English Angora might need anywhere from 1/2 cup of pelleted food daily to 1 cup of food daily. Each animal’s condition should be monitored for optimum flesh and weight, and the amount of pelleted ration adjusted accordingly.
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