Miscellaneous images and photos
Angoras Blow me Away
Autumn Angoras under the moon
I have Angoras
Sexing kits part 1
Sexing kits part 2
Baby rabbit GIF
Hay Rack in Carrier
Angoras Blow me Away
This art was used by NARBC as a cover for one of its publications, but I cannot remember who the artist was. Was it Betty Peterson? -
Autumn Angoras under the moon
This is from a black and white pen drawing I did for the KSRBA newsletter way back in 1994. I did a little photoshop work on it just for fun. -
I have Angoras
When I say I have Angora rabbits... If you are an Angora person, feel free to save and share this image. (Click to view full size.) -
Sexing kits part 1
Photo by Teri Monson, via Facebook. "New Born buck. You can see how there is a little bit of a gap between the penile opening and the anus. This will not be present in the newborn doe." -
Sexing kits part 2
Photo by Teri Monson, via Facebook. "New Born Doe. You can see how the vulva opening and the anus opening seem to be right next to each other, practically touching almost as if they're connected. There is no space or gap at all." -
Baby rabbit GIF
Made from video of one of Alex's 13 day old kits. -
Hay Rack in Carrier
Cut a section of 2 X 1 welded wire cage fabric to fit across the corner of the rabbit carrier, and fasten in place with zip ties. Stuff hay into it. Yeah, the rabbit might get a little hay in her wool, but that is better than having her decide to chew on her coat, and the judges have all seen hay before. -
Blaine Maier judging Mid America Angora Club show B, June 13, 2014, in Wichita, Kansas. Margaret Bartold wrote the comments.