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Rabbit Production 9th edition

This is the third copy of Rabbit Production that I have purchased. It was one of the first books that I bought back when I began my “first rabbit life” in the nineties, and as soon as an updated version became available, I bought one and sent my old copy, with all its margins marked with notes, to a friend. So naturally, when I re-entered the rabbit hobby last fall, I went to Amazon to look for another copy of Rabbit Production. Used copies were too expensive for me to justify purchasing one, but I was happy to see that a new revision was in progress. I pre-ordered a paperback copy, and waited.

Yesterday, it arrived in the mail, and it was well worth the wait. Although it is basically a text book, it is very interesting to read, and is not just a rehash of the earlier editions. I have begun reading it from front to back, just as I did the two previous editions. There is so much useful information, that I want to see all of it. A chapter that I will pay particular attention to is “Breeding Systems.”

No serious rabbit breeder should be without Rabbit Production. If you can’t justify the $75 ($55 if Amazon Prime) for a paperback copy, be sure to put it on your birthday or Christmas list!

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